Fairy Garden Project

Fairy Garden Example

Here are some Fairy Houses that I made especially for the fairies in our garden. We hope some will move in.

I will soon be making kits available for those who want to invite their local fairies into their gardens.

Fairy Garden Example
Fairy House Garden in a Pot

Fairy Garden Kit

– Hand Made by SCary Potter –


  • Fairy House
  • Handmade Stepping Stones
  • Gravel for Path or Stream-bed
  • Miniature Boulders
Kit contents
Kit includes the House, Handmade Stepping Stones, Miniature Boulders, and Gravel for your Path or Streambed.

You Add:

  • Plants (such as creeping thyme, Irish moss, baby tears, or other low-growing plants)
  • Pot with Good Potting Soil (or an outdoor space in the ground)
  • Imagination    
6″ tall Fairy House with a rusty-red roof, set into the Pot Garden